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Denmark - Kiddie Trains

Here you will see all the Kiddie Trains that are running in Denmark together with a short description of who the clients are including the starting date of the actual Kiddie Train.


By clicking on the “More information” button or the picture itself you will open a new window which will give you more insight information on that particular Kiddie Train.

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Frihedens Butikcenter

Located in Hvidover in Copenhagen you will find aroauns 30 stores.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 12/12/2024


Ballerup Centret

This center is located in Ballerup and holds over 65 stores, cafe´s and resturants.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 13/12/2024

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Herning Centret

Placed in the center of Denmark in the city of Herning and with it´s over 80 stores, cafe´s and restaurants it is the biggest in Central Jutland.


This center is managed by DSC


Kiddie Train was installed 03/12/2024


Ro´s Torv

Ro`s Torv is located in Roskilde close to Copenhagen.  It holds no less than 60 stores, cafe's, resturants and a cinema.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 14/11/2024

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Herlev Bymidte Center

Herlev Bymidte Center is located in Herlev and holds over 25 stores.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 11/10/2024

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Kronen Vanløse

Kronen is shinning bright with it's green footprint in central Copenhagen.  With over 40 stores you will find most things here.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 11/10/2024


Nørreport Centret

Nørreport Centret you will in the city Holstebro close to the Westcoast of Denmark.  This mall have arpound 30 stores.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 05/09/2024

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Hørsholm Midtpunkt

Located in North Zealand city of Hørsholm you will experience 50 stores, cafe´s and restaurants.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 25/10/2024

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Sct. Mathias Centret

This shopping mall is located in the middle of Viborg in Jutland and here you will find over 35 stores, cafe´s and restaurants.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 04/09/2024


Viby Centret

Viby Centret is located in the outer skirts of Aarhus - Denmark´s second largets city.  You will find more than 20 stores in this mall.


This center is managed by DADES


Kiddie Train was installed 04/09/2024

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Waves Shoppingcenter

WAVES is a large center located in Greve on Sjælland with over 110 shops owned by DADES.


Our ever-popular Jungle deco with a large track is a hit with all children. The Kiddie Train is located on the 2nd floor by the cinemas.


Kiddie Train was installed 09/02/2024



Steen & Strøm’s Bryggen in Denmark is with it’s 55.000 sqm a central part of the inner heart of the city.  Shopping, restaurants and entertainment are to be found in here.


Our Kiddie Train is designed with a London-deco it is most popular between the kids.


Kiddie Train was installed 01/12/2022

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