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Norway - Kiddie Trains

Here you will see all the Kiddie Trains that are running in Norway together with a short description of who the clients are including the starting date of the actual Kiddie Train.


By clicking on the “More information” button or the picture itself you will open a new window which will give you more insight information on that particular Kiddie Train.



Rortunet in Slemmestad with is over 40 stores make sure you don’t have to look elsewhere.  Rortunet is owned by Scala Eiendom.


Our Kiddie Train is paced close to one of the entrance.


Kiddie Train was installed 19/10/2023

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Down Town

Down Town is the biggest shoppingcentre in Grenland. The centre is situated by the river on the east side of Porsgrunn.  It has a wide election of stores and is owned by Scala Eiendom.


Our Kiddie Train is placed central on second floor.


Kiddie Train was installed 07/11/2023



Oddensenteret is southeren Norway´s nicest center on the pier in Grimstad with 40 stors, cafes and resturants.


Owned by Scala Eiendom this is our fifth for them.​


Kiddie Train was installed 27/06/2024

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Rykkinn Senter

Rykkinn is placed outside Bærum a little south/east of Oslo. It has a wide election of stores and is owned by Scala Eiendom.


​This is our sixth for Scala Eiendom 


Kiddie Train was installed 21/11/2024

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Sjøsiden; owned by Scala Eiendom, is located in the center of Horten town and has 32 stores over two levels with a large selection.


Our Kiddie Train is centrally located on the 2nd floor.


Kiddie Train was installed 19/10/2023


Metro Senter

Metro Senter is owned and managed by Steen & Strøm and is located in the heart of Lørenskog, a few minutes from Oslo, where it enjoys an exceptional location and visibility.


Our Kiddie Train is designed with a Nature-deco without podium and a Norwegian-train.


Kiddie Train was installed 26/07/2023

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Skedsmo Senter

Skedsmo Senter is a shopping center located right next to the E6 on Skedsmokorset, just north of Oslo. Skedsmo Senter, owned by Scala Eiendom AS and with its 50+ shops and beautiful new entrance, is well worth a visit. 


We installed a small Kiddie Train with Jungle deco without a podium.


Kiddie Train was installed 25/07/2023

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