Norway - Kiddie Trains
Here you will see all the Kiddie Trains that are running in Norway together with a short description of who the clients are including the starting date of the actual Kiddie Train.
By clicking on the “More information” button or the picture itself you will open a new window which will give you more insight information on that particular Kiddie Train.
Metro Senter
Metro Senter is owned and managed by Steen & Strøm and is located in the heart of Lørenskog, a few minutes from Oslo, where it enjoys an exceptional location and visibility.
Our Kiddie Train is designed with a Nature-deco without podium and a Norwegian-train.
Kiddie Train was installed 26/07/2023
Skedsmo Senter
Skedsmo Senter is a shopping center located right next to the E6 on Skedsmokorset, just north of Oslo. Skedsmo Senter, owned by Scala Eiendom AS and with its 50+ shops and beautiful new entrance, is well worth a visit.
We installed a small Kiddie Train with Jungle deco without a podium.
Kiddie Train was installed 25/07/2023