Sweden - Kiddie Trains
Here you will see all the Kiddie Trains that are running in Sweden together with a short description of who the clients are including the starting date of the actual Kiddie Train.
By clicking on the “More information” button or the picture itself you will open a new window which will give you more insight information on that particular Kiddie Train.
Väla Centrum - Train
With approximately 200 stores and eleven million annual visitors, Väla Centrum, outside Helsingborg, is one of Sweden's largest shopping centers.
The owners; Skandia Fastigheter, can this year (2024) celebrate Välas 50th anniversary!
Kiddie Train was installed 09/02/2024
Väla Centrum - T-bana
Placed at what is called “Cirklen” in Väla is our customized Väla T-bana. The colour and logo of Väla is the main “red line” in this set-up.
Omitting the podium and having this with just the grass as a base complete the picture with the surroundings.
Kiddie Train was installed 21/02/2024
Nacka Forum
Nacka Forum has over 120 shops, 18 restaurants and cafes spread over 51,000 square meters. It is located in Nacka Municipality in Stockholm and is owned by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield.
Our Kiddie Train on level 2 is located close to the Reception.
Kiddie Train was installed 02/02/2024
Mall of Scandinavia
Westfield Mall of Scandinavia is a shopping mall located in Solna in Stockholm.
It´s the fourth largest mall in the Nordic countries with over 200 stores and restaurants covering 100.000 square meters and owned by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield.
Kiddie Train was installed 22/11/2023
SKHLM - The Capital of Shopping
It did not take long before it stood clear that the T-bana train was not enough in SKHLM. In the weekends kids had to que for long time and we were requested to install another train.
This new Kiddie Train is constructed to look like the public bus going to Skærholmen.
Kiddie Train was installed 08/11/2022
Elins Esplanad
This center is located in Skövde and here you really feel the heart beat of the city. With it’s 26.000 kvm. laid out in a way that a walk-through gives you the feeling of walk on the street in a big Metropol.
Our Kiddie Train fits perfectly in this environment.
​Elins Esplanad is owned by Eurocommercial Properties and is our third for them.
Kiddie Train was installed 18/01/2023
Bergvik have with is 54.000 sqm a myriad of stores and restaurants from where you can use the most of a day. Located in Karlstad, it is a popular center for all people in Vämland.
Bergvik is owned by Eurocommercial Properties and is our fourth for them.
Kiddie Train was installed 18/01/2023
Rosengård Centrum
Rosengård Centrum; which is placed in Malmö, is the multi-cultural centrum where you will get the most from the world surrounding us. It 22.400 sqm. are best described as the “Bazar of Malmö” and you will be pleased to know, that all are welcome here.
This centrum is owned and managed by Trianon and Fastighets AB Hemmaplan. This is our third Kiddie Train we install in cooperation with Trianon
Kiddie Train was installed 09/06/2022
SKHLM - The Capital of Shopping
SKHLM with its retail 98,000 m2 is the regional center for southwest Stockholm. Here, customers and guests can shop, eat and chill in fine surroundings. SKHLM is owned by Grosvenor.
Our Kiddie Train and decorations has been developed with the surroundings in Skærholmen in mind and the train itself is formed to look like the local subway.
Kiddie Train was installed 19/07/2022
Mölndal Galleria
Mölndal Galleria is our third for Citycon. It is 26.400 sqm. dispersed over several floors and has direct access to the pulsing streets of central Mölndal.
Our Kiddie Train has a Moose Conductor and a Candy-deco on a track without podium.
Kiddie Train was installed 09/06/2022
Kongahälla Center
Kongahälla Center which is owned and manged by KF Fastighetter AB is a regional shopping center in the Gothenburg area of approximately 37,000 sqm. located in central Kungälv with space for 100 shops, businesses and services.
Kiddie Train with London-deco was installed 30/11/2021
Nordstans Affärscentrum
Nordstan is Scandinavia's largest shopping center and located in central Gothenburg. The center has approximal 170 stores and 150 offices and covers 320,000 sqm. and are therefore classified as a “Super Regional Center”.
Kiddie Train with special designed decoration was installed 29/10/2021
Tumba Centrum
Tumba Centrum is located in the southern part of Botkyrka, about 25 km south of Stockholm. This centrum is newly bought by Cavendo from Citycon and have 24.000 sqm under roof.
We installed an extra large Kiddie Train with Jungle-deco on podium.
Kiddie Train was installed 04/09/2020
Lijleholmstorget Galleria
Liljeholmstorget Galleria located in the center of Stockholm is one of Citycon's finest. With its 41,000 sqm spread over three levels and a garage with space for 900 cars, this forms the heart of Liljeholmstorget.
Our Kiddie Train on level 3 proves that nothing needs to be big for kids to have fun!
Kiddie Train was installed 03/09/2020
Nordby Shoppingcenter
Nordby Shoppingcenter owned by Olva Thone and Orvelin lays at the border to Norway just a few kilometres from the E6.
Our Kiddie Trian with the Jungle-deco have found the fine spot adjacent to Jungland and our own Arcade – this is with other words our “home court”.
Kiddie Train was installed 20/08/2020
Burlöv Centrum
Burlöv Centrum; formerly owned by Grosvenor but now taken over by Trianon, is with 42.000 sqm a central place for all people living in this area.
Parking is easy and major developments are now being carried out for residential construction as for infrastructure.
Kiddie Train was installed 17/07/2020
Galleria Boulevard
Steen & Strøm’s Galleria Boulevard in Kristianstad is with it’s 28.000 sqm a central part of the inner heart of the city. Shopping, restaurants and entertainment are to be found in here.
Our Kiddie Train is designed on a special designed movable platform and with it’s Jungle-deco it is most popular between the kids.
Kiddie Train was installed 17/07/2020